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We care about you!

After you’ve made your stem cell donation, we would like to invite you to join our follow-up monitoring program to help us ensure you stay fit and well.

Donor follow-up monitoring

The first step of the follow-up comes about four weeks after the donation and consists of a blood test and questionnaire that mainly focuses on:

  • How you felt before, during, and shortly after the donation
  • How you would rate the organization and care you received during and after the procedure
  • Whether your blood count has returned to normal since the procedure

Directly after your donation, you will receive a health questionnaire from the followup team of DKMS Foundation India. The questionnaire also includes a consent which is required for the followup team to organize your blood test four weeks after your donation. Please fill out the questionnaire, sign the consent form and return it back to the followup team coordinator.

The lab report is then reviewed by the collection center physician and result of the report will be shared with you. The collection center physician’s recommendation is conveyed to you if there is anything unusual or anything that needs clarification, though this is not normally expected.

There are many ways to get involved and support our mission.
You could be raising awareness, join the registry, hosting your own event, taking on a fundraising challenge, or anything in between.