Support or initiate virtual drives and save lives

Every new registrant could be a patient's match

Set up a virtual donor registration drive to support us in our mission to register more potential blood stem cell donors. You can set up a virtual drive for your Company, University or College, Sports Club, or just to share with your personal network. Create your own virtual drive and become an initiator to help the many patients in need.

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Your Next Step: Sign up as a stem cell donor today!
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Why we need your support

  • Every 5 minutes, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer and blood disorders
  • Only 30% of patients find a matching donor within their family. 70% of patients who need a bone marrow or stem cell transplant rely on finding an unrelated donor.
  • Over 70,000 people die from blood cancer every year

Numbers behind our work

  • Each year, DKMS processes more than 2,54,000 stem cell donations worldwide
  • More than 7600 blood cancer patients have already received a transplant of an unrelated donor
  • Over 8,00,000 new potential lifesavers added per year globally
Need more facts or material for your drive?
Drop in to our resource library to support your drive with fact, infographics and videos.
Be a Part of Our Life-Saving Mission
Change starts here. Register as a donor, support our campaigns, and read stories of lives touched by stem cell donation.