Donor Story

"I had done something that could change someone’s life forever, and that feeling was incredible"

Gautam is a B.Pharma professional. He’s just a regular guy, doing regular things. But there’s one thing he’s done that makes him more than just “ordinary”—he became a blood stem cell donor, and he has potentially saved someone’s life because of it.

Read his inspiring journey of becoming a lifesaver at just the age of 19 -

“In February 2024, I was at home, doing what I usually do—scrolling through YouTube—when I came across a video of a YouTuber I’ve been following for a while. He was talking about blood stem cell donation. I never thought about it before, but his words hit me hard. The idea that someone like me could save a life? It sounded almost unreal—but also, it felt like something I could actually do. So, without overthinking it, I registered as a potential donor. It only took a few minutes, but I knew this decision could end up being one of the most important choices I’d ever make.

A few months later, I got a call that shook up my whole world: I was a match for a patient who needed a stem cell donation. Suddenly, it wasn’t just an idea anymore. It was real. Someone out there was counting on me to help them. That’s when it truly hit me—this wasn’t just a small act of kindness. This was a chance to save a life. And from that moment, I knew I had to go through with it.

Donation Process

To be honest, I was nervous. I had so many questions running through my head. What would the procedure be like? Was it safe? Would it hurt? But the more I thought about the person waiting for my donation, the more I realized that any nerves I had didn’t matter as much as the opportunity to help someone. My family and friends were incredibly supportive, which helped me stay focused. I did my research, talked to doctors, and prepared myself as best as I could—both physically and mentally. Knowing that I had the power to make such a huge difference kept me going, even when I started to feel unsure.

When donation day came, I felt a mix of emotions—nervous, excited, and ready. Walking into the facility, I kept reminding myself of why I was doing this. The medical team was amazing—they explained everything to me and made sure I was comfortable throughout the process. The actual donation was smoother than I expected. And when it was over, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride. I had done something that could change someone’s life forever, and that feeling was incredible.

After the donation

After the donation, I was a bit tired, but that was nothing compared to how proud and fulfilled I felt. The medical team kept a close eye on me and soon enough, I was back to my regular routine—gaming and hanging out with my friends. But now, there was something different. I knew that I had done something truly meaningful, something that could give someone else a second chance at life.

To the person who received my donation: I hope this gives you the strength to keep fighting. Even though we’ve never met, it was an honor to help you. Stay strong—I’m wishing you a speedy recovery.

Message for all

If you’re reading this and you’re anything like me—a regular person, just living your life—here’s what I want to say: You can do this too. You don’t have to be extraordinary to make a huge difference in someone’s life. I’m just a regular human being, and yet I had the chance to save someone’s life. Registering as a blood stem cell donor takes only a few minutes, but it can mean everything to someone who’s waiting for a match. So why not take the leap? You could be the one to give someone a second chance at life, just like I did.”

How you can help

Just like Gautam, you too can register as a potential stem cell donor and help save a life!

Check your eligibility and sign up today at

Anyone aged between 18-55 years and in general good health can register as a potential lifesaver. If you're not eligible or you're already registered, check out some of the other ways to get involved in the fight against blood cancer. Together, we can make a difference

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