27-year-old Shashank from Pune shares with you the incredible journey he embarked on as a stem cell donor. It all began when he came across a social media post to register online as a stem cell donor. He didn’t know that his simple act of signing up would eventually change someone’s life forever.
He shares his story of being a lifesaver -
“I registered as a potential blood stem cell donor out of a sense of hope and a desire to make a difference. Although I hadn't personally encountered any patient cases in my environment or family, I knew countless individuals were out there battling blood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Being able to offer them a chance at survival was a thought that resonated deeply within me.
I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions when I received the news that I might be a match for a needy patient. Joy, excitement, and a profound sense of satisfaction filled my heart. Knowing that I had the opportunity to provide hope and healing to someone in their darkest hour was an indescribable feeling.
Naturally, as the collection date approached, I had some concerns. However, thanks to the thorough guidance and support provided by the DKMS BMST team, my worries were quickly dispelled. They took the time to explain every step of the donation process and address my doubts or anxieties. While my family initially had some concerns, I was able to ease their worries by sharing the knowledge I gained from the team, and they fully supported my decision.
In terms of preparation for the donation, I realized that there was no specific action I needed to take. Instead, I focused on maintaining a positive mindset and embracing the upcoming experience enthusiastically. The day of the collection started early, with the administration of GCSF, followed by a hearty breakfast. The DKMS team arranged transportation from the hotel to the collection center for me and my wife. Upon arrival, we were given a thorough explanation of the process, the duration, and what to expect.
When the actual donation took place, it was a simple procedure. I felt a great sense of purpose and gratitude, knowing that my contribution could potentially save a life. The DKMS BMST team was by my side throughout the entire process, ensuring my comfort and well-being.
After the donation, I had the opportunity to meet other members of the team, who shared in my joy and celebrated this milestone with me. Once I returned home, I took some time to rest and recuperate, but soon enough, life returned to normal. It was almost surreal to think that I had played a role in having saved a life just a few hours ago.
To my recipient, if you ever read this, I want you to know that my thoughts and well wishes are with you every step of the way. May your recovery be swift, and may you soon regain your strength and vitality. You are not alone in this journey, and I hope you find comfort in knowing that there are people out there who care deeply for your well-being.
To everyone reading this, I request you to consider registering as a stem cell donor. Joining a stem cell registry can positively impact the lives of countless patients across the country and the world. The experience of donating and knowing that you have the power to save someone's life is extraordinary and humbling. Together, let us spread hope and kindness.
If you’d like to register as a potential blood stem cell donor, you can check your eligibility and sign up today.
Anyone aged between 18-55 years and generally in good health can go on standby as a potential lifesaver. If you're not eligible or you're already registered, check out some of the other ways to get involved in the fight against blood cancer.