
A warrior needs your help in winning this battle!

Yohan is nearing four years of age and he has never been livelier. With a vivid imagination and a knack for musical instruments, he loves running around and spreading joy to everyone who meets him.

Help Yohan fight the odds; save his life!

When he was 9 months old, his parents noticed his complexion was quite pale and had it checked. As it, unfortunately, turned out, little Yohan was diagnosed with thalassemia major. Like any concerned parents, they were extremely worried about their child’s future but decided to take a leap of faith and find out the best course of treatment for Yohan.

Fast forward almost three years later, Yohan is still undergoing frequent blood transfusions along with chelation therapy to help him sustain his health. However, his haematologist has said that a blood stem cell transplant would be the best long-term course of treatment.

Yohan’s parents have reached out to us to help find their child’s lifesaver.

We need to band together to help him find his genetic twin before any other health complications arise and Yohan’s time runs out.

Yohan needs a lifesaver!

The need for his HLA match is immediate. In order to avoid inevitable health complications, Yohan needs a stem cell transplant as quickly as possible.

Registering as a potential stem cell donor takes only 5 minutes of your time and it helps us find Yohan, and other thalassemia patients, to get their lifesaving transplants.

Will you be his saviour? Register to find out!

Sign up today and take the first step in being someone‘s superhero.

How can we beat blood cancer together?

DKMS-BMST has been working to find the right donor for patients suffering from blood cancer and blood disorders in India. So far, we have facilitated 50+ blood stem cell donations. For a stem cell donation, the tissue characteristics of the donor must match those of the patient. When you join the stem cell registry you are on standby to be matched and potentially save the life of anyone with a blood cancer or blood disorder who needs a blood stem cell donation. You can be the right person and with your stem cell donation a real lifesaver.

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Donor Recruitment

Ready to become a potential lifesaver?