Compliance & Financials

Our aim is to improve the situation of patients suffering from blood cancer and other blood disorders in India and throughout the world, by raising awareness about blood stem cell transplantation and registering potential blood stem cell donors.

By doing this, DKMS-BMST provides patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant with a second chance at life.

DKMS BMST Foundation India (CIN: U74900KA2015NPL082065) is a charitable company formed under Section 8 of Indian Companies Act, 2013 having its registered office at Bengaluru, Karnataka and promoted by Bangalore Medical Services Trust along with DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH, a German not-for-profit leading stem cell donor registry having his registered office at Kressbach 1, 72072 Tübingen, Germany.

At DKMS BMST Foundation India, we are committed to employing all our efforts to achieve our mission: to provide a matching donor for every blood cancer patient in need of a blood stem cell donation. We, therefore, seek to expand the base of voluntary, committed blood stem cell donors in India.

As a non-profit organization, we need to raise funds for expanding the base of potential stem cell donors in India, so that one day a suitable matching donor can be found for every patient who is in need of it.

We strongly request support from individuals as well as companies as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme.

It is of utmost importance to us at DKMS-BMST to comply with all applicable laws in force in India. We also comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Indian Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Further, we publish our audited financial statements annually.

Please find below links to review our official documentation:

Annual Report

Registration Related

Compliance Related

Financial Year 2017-2018

Financial Year 2018-2019

Financial Year 2019-2020

Financial Year 2020-2021

DKMS BMST Foundation India launched in August 2015 under the name BMST Stem Cell Registry Foundation India, with a key mission to increase the pool of lifesaving blood stem cell donors. We believe that not one single person suffering from blood cancer should die because they are unable to find a matching blood stem cell donor.

This is aimed to be accomplished by adopting the following measures:

  • Educating the general public with regard to the voluntary donation of hematopoietic stem cells and promoting the registration as a potential donor;
  • Registration of potential donors and collection of biological material of such donors;
  • Conducting HLA typing and other laboratory tests relevant for a successful donor-patient matching;
  • Maintaining a database of potential donors;
  • Providing donor search support for domestic search facilities;
  • Processing of requests for additional/confirmatory typing as well as for stem cell collection;
  • Coordinating stem cell collection from peripheral blood as well as from bone marrow in cooperation with specialized collection centres;
  • Providing adult volunteer donors who have provided stem cells with comprehensive post-donation support as well as monitoring their short and long term health;
  • Procurement of funds for the development and operation of the charitable activities;
  • Co-operating with other bone marrow donor centres, transplant centres and registries in India;
  • Researching and promoting research in the field of search and compatibility of non-related donors of hematopoietic stem cells.