Rotaract Club of Navi Mumbai Sunrise and DKMS Foundation India, bring you our quarter-long initiative iStem-Be The Match, which is our contribution towards a cancer-free society.
But only 30% of these patients find a matching donor within their family; the rest 70% have to rely on finding unrelated donors. With the shrinking size of families, low representation in the global donor database, and millions of combinations of HLA leading to more diverse ethnicity, finding a match becomes difficult. It is thus crucial to establish linkages between patients and donors for successful transplant procedures.
Every year, blood cancer alone is taking the lives of over 70,000 people in India!
But together, we can help change this; by registering as potential blood stem cell donors, we can help save lives. Donating blood stem cells is purely voluntary and requires a person’s commitment to the cause. It is an outpatient process similar to a blood platelet donation. Finding a matching donor is a 1 in a million chance and that is why we need more people registered as potential donors.
You can help blood cancer patients get a second chance at life by registering with DKMS Foundation India and registering as potential donors. Order your swab kit now!
You have the power to give someone a second chance at life!
Register nowThe representation of Indians on the global registry is very poor. This reduces the probability of a patient trying to find a matching donor. So, when it comes to finding a matching donor, a person with the same ethnic background as a patient may be a better match than one who comes from an entirely different background.
YOU can provide patients in need of a stem cell transplant, hope for a second chance at life by registering as a blood stem cell donor.
When you join the stem cell registry, you give hope to a patient who is in urgent need of a stem cell transplant and provide them with a chance for a healthy future.